S.No. Activities Vehice TEU FEU
1 Freight Vehicle Entry*
a) Truck/Tanker/Tractor/Trailor per entry per trip 259.31 -
b) Light Vehicles/Bullock Cart with capacity up to 5 Ton per entry per trip 129.69
c) Rickshaw / Hand Trolley per entry per trip 38.94
d) Container Truck (fixed container Vehicle) per entry per trip 389.06
e) Trailor / Flat Truck / Artriculated Vehicles with or without container per entry trip. 518.64 778.13
2 Loading / Unloading / Handling of Cargo (all activities) - 2593.75 4668.74
a) Containerized cargo 181.57
b) Non containerized break bulk/Packaged/ Bagged cargo 181.57
c) Non containerized bulk/ loose cargo 129.69
3 Terminal handling charges (complete cycle)
a) Loaded container 2593.75 4150.00
b) Unloaded Container 1296.89 2075.01
c) LCL Cargo including container handling / loading / unloading and stuffing and destuffing 518.74
4 Weighment charge ( one activity) of loaded / empty vehicles 259.39
5 Warehousing charges: 24 Hours Free time from the time of arrival
a) Imports
  (i) 2-8 days +0.1416 paisa/ Kg / day 0.16
  (ii) 9-30 days + 0.1888 paisa / Kg / day 0.21
  (iii) 31 days onwards + 0.2830 paisa / Kg / day 0.31
b) Exports
  (i) 2-8 days + 0.0706 paisa / Kg / day 0.08
(ii) 9-30 days + 0.0943 paisa / Kg / day 0.10
(iii) 31 days onwards = 0.1181 days / Kg / day 0.13
c) Open Yard Storage
(i) 2-8 days + 0.0706 paisa /Kg / day 0.08
(ii) 9 days onwards = 0.1181 paisa / Kg / day 0.13
6 Parking & Storage Charges for loaded/unloaded vehicles*
a) Freight vehicle
(i) One day free
(ii) 2-7 days per day 389.06 518.74
(iii) 8 days onwards per days 518.74 518.74 778.13
b) Container
(i) One day free
(ii) 2-7 days per day 389.06 518.74
(iii) 8 days onwards per days 518.74 778.13
7 Cleaning of Containers 259.39 389.06
8 Sub lease charges
Unfurnished room on the main terminal building @1071.81/m2 per month
9 Forklift Charges
a) Complete Cycle 3865.22 7730.45
b) Single Cycle 2013.80 4026.28
c) Non-Containerised (Per Ton) 242.42



Rail Handling Charges at ICP Biratnagar


S.No. Activities Schedule of Charges (w.e.f —— )
Vehice TEU FEU
1 Import-Terminal Handlings Charges
Factory Destuffing 7,054.30 9.716.30
ICP Destufiing 9,111.30 12,136.30
Warehouse Delivery 9,111.30 12.136.30
2 Export Terminal Handling Charges
Factory Destuffing 7,054.30 9,716.30
ICP Destuffing 9,111.30 12,136.30
Warehouse Delivery 9,111.30 12,136.30
3 Terminal Handling Charges Breakup
Loaded Container Handling(Complete Cycle of Handling) 3,993.00 5,390.55
Empty container handling(Complete Cycle of Handling) 865.15 1,331.00
Transfer of empty container for survey & other purpose (one time operation) 1,331.00 1,663.75
Transfer of loaded container for Survey & other purpose (one time operation) 865.15 1311.00
Terminal Handling Charges (Total) 7054.30 9716.30
Add : Labour Charge 2057.00 2420.00
Terminal Handling Charges – ICp Destuffing (Total) 9111.30 12.136.30
4 Terminal Handling Charges-Bagged, Break Bulk, Bulk Cargo & Loose Cargo
Bagged Cargo/Break Bulk Cargo 271.04 per MT+

Bulk Cargo & Loose Cargo


399.30 per MT